The Divine Flow

Caleb loves his monthly book discussion classes on the Spiritual Laws of Life. To get a fuller grasp of the laws, he and the members in his group meet weekly at a designated place and time in the Inner Worlds for Satsang with the ECK Masters.

At these inner Satsang sessions, Caleb does not ask for inner experiences that he could share in class at the monthly discussions. He asks instead for the essence of the law that would give him a smoother passage in life. Smoother, not as in the absence of problems but in being able to deal with them without much tension or resistance to the flow of ECK. In a nutshell, what he seeks is the bridge of understanding between the inner world experiences and their relevance to daily life.

His burning desire to distill the essence of the inner Satsangs was so intense that he busied himself with arranging and rearranging his inner and outer flow of living. Caleb struggled in vain for months without success with his inner Satsangs. He certainly felt a lack of connection with Divine Spirit. Was it because he was trying too hard? Was that why he was out of the flow? These questions gnawed at him for a while.

Suddenly, as if jolted by a sublime force, he grew still. The thoughts that had consumed him drew to a staggering halt. Then he heard the still small voice. It had been there all the time but his thoughts had drowned it. ‘Surrender your plans and expectations. Allow that burning desire to engulf your entire being and just be!’

Slowly, this sweet surrender, aligned him with the divine flow, giving him unlimited access to the bounty and riches of this holy terrain.

Caleb’s first gift was a profound experience with ECK Master Kata Daki at the Golden Wisdom Temple of Chanhassen. That same week, he received more gifts from two other ECK Masters – Gopal Das’ class on The Law of Detachment and from Rebazar Tarzs’ class on the Law of Economy.

Together with his successful breakthrough in tapping priceless gems to help him navigate life, he was nudged to do a few more tasks to cement this sacred connection with Divine Spirit and to keep the divine gifts flowing.

The tasks are:
1) Recite Lai Tsi’s prayer every night as he drifts slowly into sleep
2) Do the Spiritual Exercises every morning from the spiritual exercises book and
3) Read from the book, The ECK Vidya, Ancient Science of Prophecy by Paul Twitchell

His dedication to these practices help him develop a more intimate relationship with God. And Caleb now enjoys boundless freedom to travel the inner realms to mine nuggets that help him live life with ease, grace and peace.

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